Saturday 25 February 2012

Taking a bit of a break

This weekend, I'm in the process of taking down my yarn braids. Thank goodness we have  UTE (down) day on Monday, so I can really finish up my hair! I think what's taking so long, is that after I take out the yarn braids I twist my hair. I'm hoping to keep them in twists until Tuesday, and then I'll take them down before work.

Being a single parent is not easy. It's probably sad that I enjoy going to work, simply because I get a break from taking care of Arianna. I'll admit that there have been quite a few times where I've come REALLY close to straight losing my mind/patience/temper, but thank goodness I haven't acted on any of it. I'm realizing that while it's important to take care of Arianna, it's equally as important to take care of myself. I've had my depressing moments, and moments where I want to just punch a hole in the wall...neither of those are good things to experience. There's a book I'm reading, the title of which I can't remember and won't go check because Arianna is asleep, but it's about dealing with emotional trash/baggage, and how it will help develop healthier relationships. I think it will help me, especially with how I deal with my emotions (which basically is nothing) so I can stop holding myself back. Which is why I'm taking a "me" day on Monday. Arianna is going to daycare, and I'm taking a day to take care of me. I have a feeling it will involve a ton of sleep lol.

Anyway, I have a few guilty pleasure shows. Well, one really. Say Yes to the Dress, and Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta. I know I'm nowhere near getting married, but I just love watching people go wedding dress shopping. It gives me ideas of what I would want in a wedding dress. So, Friday night, at the start of my unbraiding marathon, I was watching Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta and Four Brides, and I took a break to go to and to look at wedding dresses. Now- I have a general idea of what I want in a wedding dress. I'm leaning more towards tea length dresses, mainly because my legs are one of my physical features that I actually like, but also because I DO NOT want to worry about me or anyone else tripping over my dress (I had enough of that at Senior Prom, and it was really annoying), and I'd be concerned all night about the hem of my dress getting dirty. So. Like I said, I was looking at dresses, and I just wanted to post a few pictures of what I like :)

I know I said I don't want a floor length dress, but this one right here, would be an exception. This dress is goregeous!

These along with the ones from are some of my favorites. I also know that I want a birdcage veil :) So yes, I have some ideas of what I want when I get married, even though I'm still single. Heck, a girl's allowed to dream, right?

Remember when I blogged about this?
I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I actually did this for 30 days. I don't even think I made it a week. Sad, I know smh. Anyway, given how my last PT test went (I almost failed because my waist was right at the minimum), and noticing that I'm starting to get a rather large muffin top around my midsection, I need to kick my butt back into gear. She (being Jilian Michaels) has a new thing out too, that I can't think of the name. It's like the Insanity workout program though. I want to get that. But first, I need to tackle this. A few curlies on the Curly Nikki forums that I frequent pretty darn often are doing the 30 day shred too, so we're going to kinda be partners on this, as far as just checking up on each other and seeing how we're doing. I REALLY need to stick with this. And eating healthier. I definitely need to eat better than I have been.

I really just need to get my life in order. Stop holding myself back. Work on actually getting my CCAF, and then deciding on what I want to get my Bachelor's in. Getting closer to God, and deepening my relationship with Him. 2012 is going to be my year. Well, mine and Arianna's :)

Friday 24 February 2012

I have a blog on the side!

Probably not something I should be excited about (lol), but I must admit that if you've been reading my recent posts, you've gotten the nicer version of my thoughts. Only because the Android app for this phone apparently sucks, and I don't want to waste my time with that. However, there IS an app for Wordpress, which I do have a blog on. So I've been using that one to really vent on, mainly because it was just easier to post from my phone instead of getting to my computer. It's very handy when it's the middle of the night and you're in bed and can't sleep because something is bothering you and you REALLY want to just vent and let it out...Anyway, I just wanted to post a link to that blog, just in case any of you were somewhat curious about what my vent sessions are like. I'm going to try and see if I can link the two, so that way when I post on there it can post here? I don't even know if that's possible. Anyway, here's the link to my other blog: I don't know why it did that.

A little bit of an update (and what REALLY prompted me to do this post)... Sam and Brianna are getting married today. Or this weekend. And you know what? I feel nothing. I don't feel hurt, or depressed, or sad. I don't feel a darn thing. I mean, yes, I'm happy for them, I'm happy for all of my friends who are married or are getting married, or are in relationships, but I'm not feeling like "man, I'm the ONLY single person left in all of my friends... Will I EVER get married??" Actually, that's a lie, I do think that, but it doesn't consume me or my day with depression. I'm just going to go about my day, and do what I do everyday. I can definitely say this is God working in me and on me; I REALLY needed his help to get over this one. Maybe now I can FINALLY and REALLY move on, and do what makes me happy. With God's help, of course :)

I hope everyone has a great day!

Oh-nah, I'll post it on my other blog, and then add it on here. I need to get ready for work!

Thursday 16 February 2012


First, I'd like to say that this week's Glee episode was AMAZING! I was SO happy to see the actual winner of the first Glee Project Samuel on there. I caught the last few minutes of it on Tuesday, and when I saw him at the end, I literally threw my hat and started dancing around the living room. Arianna found it amusing haha. Anyway, I'm just happy I was able to find the site I watch missed tv episodes on again. I tried looking for it before, and I couldn't find it. Doesn't matter now though, because I have found it and will be catching up on my shows!

So it's been over a month since Arianna and I have been in Utah, and it's definitely been an interesting journey to say the least. I mean, it's definitely not easy being a single parent, but she and I are both adjusting to the situation. Unfortunately, with Utah winters come colds. Or in Arianna's case, the viral version of pneumonia : / She seems to be doing better though, so hopefully it goes away soon! She's actually sitting here watching Yo Gabba Gabba (Elijah Wood is in this one, and he looks really creepy doing his dancey dance, "The Puppet Master" O.o).

I don't know why my blog posts are always condensed versions of what I'm thinking. Maybe it's because I've found other outlets (like praying) for some of my other more serious thoughts?

Hm. I want to write about David, but I don't want to get too crazy. I'll just leave it at... I'm excited for summer to get here :)

Now, I'm exhausted. Between working 12s this week and taking care of a sick baby, I'm really lacking in the sleep department lol.

Til next time (whenever that may be)!