Thursday 16 February 2012


First, I'd like to say that this week's Glee episode was AMAZING! I was SO happy to see the actual winner of the first Glee Project Samuel on there. I caught the last few minutes of it on Tuesday, and when I saw him at the end, I literally threw my hat and started dancing around the living room. Arianna found it amusing haha. Anyway, I'm just happy I was able to find the site I watch missed tv episodes on again. I tried looking for it before, and I couldn't find it. Doesn't matter now though, because I have found it and will be catching up on my shows!

So it's been over a month since Arianna and I have been in Utah, and it's definitely been an interesting journey to say the least. I mean, it's definitely not easy being a single parent, but she and I are both adjusting to the situation. Unfortunately, with Utah winters come colds. Or in Arianna's case, the viral version of pneumonia : / She seems to be doing better though, so hopefully it goes away soon! She's actually sitting here watching Yo Gabba Gabba (Elijah Wood is in this one, and he looks really creepy doing his dancey dance, "The Puppet Master" O.o).

I don't know why my blog posts are always condensed versions of what I'm thinking. Maybe it's because I've found other outlets (like praying) for some of my other more serious thoughts?

Hm. I want to write about David, but I don't want to get too crazy. I'll just leave it at... I'm excited for summer to get here :)

Now, I'm exhausted. Between working 12s this week and taking care of a sick baby, I'm really lacking in the sleep department lol.

Til next time (whenever that may be)!


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