Friday 15 June 2012

I really need to start taking pictures with my digital camera...

Today (well, yesterday) I ventured into the world of healthy eating! For the past while I've been looking up (and drooling over) healthy recipes, and there were a few that I really wanted to try. Well yesterday I picked up the ingredients for two new healthy recipes that I've been wanting to try. One was refrigerated oats, and the other was a smoothie from my Nike training app. The oatmeal recipe I'm sure is on my pintrest somewhere, most likely on my "Foods to try" board or something like that. Anyway, it was DELICIOUS! I can't wait to make more of it. The green smoothie I made, on the other hand... I couldn't make myself finish that thing. I think it was the cucumber, because that was ALL I COULD TASTE. Now, I like cucumber with ranch, and I thought it was weird to have that in a smoothie, but I wanted to try it and now I wished I had kept it out lol. It was just gross, never again. I'll find some better tasting green smoothies somewhere (actually, I just downloaded a green smoothies app today... It's got different green recipes on there!).

Today I also peeled, chopped, and froze carrots for the first time ever. It took a few tries to get the peeling down right, but near the end of the bag those carrots were looking good :) I'm excited to use those in a new recipe that I will probably cook tomorrow. Ugh, tomorrow... I have cooking, cleaning, and laundry (does that count as cleaning) to do tomorrow. I swear sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day. Even if there were though, would I use those hours to actually be productive? Probably not...oh well. I'll just make do with what I'm attempting to do now.

I think that's all I wanted to blog about...Sorry it's so short, but I was originally just going to write about peeling carrots, which would've made this much shorter than it turned out to be.


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