Thursday 13 December 2012

And...*drum roll*

I'M BACK!!!! I'm so sorry, I suck at blogging, but I PROMISE that I have a reason! When I traveled home with Arianna, I put my laptop in my suitcase in it's carrying case, thinking that it would be okay. Wrong. It got a crack under the screen. Not a physical one, but one that you could see from one corner to the other, with a few black splotches along it. As time passed, the splotches would get bigger and bigger, until the only useful part of my screen was the bottom left corner. That's how I worked on two of my online classes. Until I was working on a math word problem. Here is how I feel about math. I HATE math. Loathe it. Detest it. I also hate word problems, because I have a hard time comprehending what I'm reading/ what the heck I'm supposed to do. Cue moment of intense anger and frustration... And there goes my laptop as I chuck it onto the floor. Effect? The screen (well under it) spiderwebs into tiny cracks, and the screen is useless. So I was without a computer for most of my two classes the semester before last. Lemme tell you- trying to get two class assignments/quizzes and tests done while at the library; NOT EASY AT ALL. So... I have an online class starting up next month, and I knew I did not want to work around library hours again. So I went to Aaron's and rented a laptop. Hopefully after taxes I can buy it. It'll be tight money wise, but if I want to succeed in school, I need to have a laptop.

So, what's been new with me? I moved on base (and after deciding that Arianna should stay with my parents for awhile, realized I should've stayed off base lol), and got an assignment to South Korea again! I'm SUPER excited about it. I'm excited about having a laptop again. I'm excited to be able to actually do quality work for my class.

I don't really know what else to talk about lol. So I guess this is it! I promise I'll be better at blogging, now that I have easier access to it.

Later gators!


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