Saturday 10 December 2011

I am the very model of a modern major...procrastinator

So. It's Saturday night, and instead of folding this nicely sized pile of laundry sitting next me, or running the dishwasher, or even taking care of more laundry that's in the washer and dryer, I've been sitting on here, playing around on the internet and now, blogging. Don't ask me why, I guess it's because I've been thinking about doing a post for a bit and I've just been WAY too lazy to do one. I also think I'm doing this to put off doing homework (which I have a feeling I will be doing tomorrow...*sigh*). Anyway, I guess I should make this post somewhat coherent.

I can't believe I'm going home on Monday. Granted, it's only for 30 days, but still. I'm going home, and taking charge of being in charge of Arianna. Scary, when you think about it. How do I go from not physically caring for her for 23 months, to caring for her basically as soon as I get into the car after I land (I'm assuming, I'm hoping I have until I get home at least)? What if I absolutely suck at it? Ugh I know I'm going to have a hard time... Last time I was home I'm fairly certain I spoiled her. I guess we'll see what happens when I get there. Hopefully she remembers me...

What else should I talk about...Oh! I only have one day of classes left! I took both of my finals this week, AND I PASSED MY MATH FINAL!!!! I mean, it was an open notes and book test, but still- I PASSED! So I think I'm passing my class now, but I need to do this week's homework, to hopefully make sure I pass and then I won't have to pay back the TA! I'm not sure how I did on my African American Literature classes. Hopefully I passed that one; I wasn't really thinking straight seeing as I had just finished working a 12 hour shift before I took that thing. NOTE TO READERS: Don't take a final after working for 12 hours. It was hard for me to think coherent thoughts and sentences lol.

I'm not sure what else to talk about....OH! I FINALLY saw Breaking Dawn Part 1. It was GREAT! I want to see it again; probably once I'm home. It was SOOO good... I'm excited for the second part of the movie. I can safely say that I really liked Jacob in this one. I felt bad for him, but I still liked him in it. *sigh* I'm reading the book again too, and reading through it, I think it would've been cool to see some of the playful banter between Rosalie and Jacob, because I'm finding those quite amusing in the book. I won't go too much into details, sadly because I don't remember much of it (what is WITH that lately? I've been randomly forgetting things, and it's REALLY frustrating ugh). So I'm basically ready for it to come out on DVD already so I can add it to my collection.

COUPONING!!! I'm not all that great at it, quite discouraging actually. But I'm not giving up! Practice makes perfect, right? RIGHT??? Let's hope so, because...well...saving money is always a good thing :)

And now I think I will go do some laundry!



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