Thursday 30 May 2013

Bread and other shenanigans

If you're not my friend on Facebook, or part of the curlynikki forums I participate in, you wouldn't know that today I made Amish white bread for the first time!! Well I've made white bread before, but this is SO much better! I got the recipe from 
Here are the two loaves I made today. One is in the freezer, and the other is almost halfway gone (it is THAT good, people). I'm going to have to buy some more white bread flour to make that again (and maybe make more loaves next time). 

Also, I realized today at work that my upper body strength sucks, and I need to get back into shape! So I went searching on, and came across this one woman's program that I'm going to use. I can't remember her name, but her initials are JNL. I think it's Jennifer Nicole Lee or something like that. Anyway, I'm going to try her fusion at home circuit workout starting tomorrow (which is hard for me, because when I do workout I like to start on Mondays so I can do the M W F workout schedule, but then I never get around to actually doing anything. But this time I put it on my to do list!). I want to do it three days a week, and mix in some cardio on the other days somehow. I just know that I can be in way better shape than I am now, and if I ever do wear a swimsuit this summer, I want to look awesome in it, dang it! Lol. 

I think that's really all I wanted to talk about... Having this blogger app on my phone really makes blogging handy sometimes, especially when I don't feel like being on my computer. 

Oh! My classes start next week. I'm taking an intro to online classes course (something everyone starting at American Military University has to take if they're doing online classes, even though I've been doing online classes for a few years now), and an African American history class. I'm actually excited about that one, because I was looking up the textbook for it online, and it got really good reviews and it seems like it's not outlined like other textbooks. So I'm interested to see how that class will go. I also test for Staff next week, so hopefully that goes well (3rd time'a a charm, right?). 

Okay now I think that's it. I might be coming down with something... My throat has been sore all day, and it's still sore :/ Hopefully it doesn't get any worse than this. 

Good night/morning!! 


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