Wednesday 1 January 2014


Happy New Year, you guys (whoever actually reads this thing, lol)! It's 2014, 2013 is in the past! I wonder how long it will take for me to get used to writing 2014 on paperwork now... Anyway, I just wanted to do a quick post at the start of this year, about goals. I used to do resolutions, but those never lasted more than a week or two. So, thanks to a few ideas from a friend of mine, and some wonderfully helpful advice from another friend, I decided to come up with goals instead. And they're not just any kind of goals, they're goals for LIFE, and I just wanted to share them with you all! I'm reading a book that was highly suggested by one of my friends mentioned above, and it has a lot of good information in it, things that really make you think and realize how much certain things can have a major impact on your life. If anyone wants to read it for themselves (and despite the title, I would still suggest this to anyone), it's called Think and Grow Rich, a Black Choice (don't be afraid of the title!). I'm still near the beginning for the most part, but I've learned a lot. Now I'm rambling now, so here is a picture copy of my Goals for LIFE!

I wanted to actually write them down somewhere that I can see easily, which is why I went with the giant dry erase board (although I should've used wet erase markers...). This way, I get a daily reminder of what my goals are, and motivate myself to stick with them even when I don't want to!

I guess that's it, I hope everyone had an awesome New Year's, and will continue to have an awesome year :)


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