Thursday 25 February 2010

Well it has most certainly been awhile...

So I meant to start this yesterday, but then I started playing around with Itunes and got distracted... But I'm starting now so at least I'm sticking to my plan (kind of). Anyway, A LOT has happened since...June I believe was the last post, so I figured I'd give a brief rundown of the events that transpired between then and now.

First, instead of going to Misawa AB in Japan, I got stationed at Hill AFB in Utah. It's not bad here, the weather hasn't been too treacherous or anything like that, and the people are really nice so that's a plus. Work-wise everyone seems to be pretty cool which is also nice because doing my job will actually be quite bearable haha. The reason why I got stationed at Hill?

Secondly, Arianna Jade Edmonds was born Jan. 31, 2010. For those who didn't make the connection, that's why I'm back in the states. I'm not going to complain though, she truly is a blessing in my life, and if I had to change anything, I would've been married instead. Then again, just that one detail might've changed a lot so maybe not...

Third, Steffon and I aren't together anymore, or even talking for that matter. Well, I'm not talking to him, he hasn't tried to get in touch with me in a few weeks. I guess he realized that I'm not talking to him. However, every now and then I do hear from Alex which I find interesting because he's married and I hadn't heard from him since October of last year. I'm trying not to think to much into it though because we haven't talked in the past few days so I'm not getting my hopes up with him. I have to keep reminding myself that he had his chance and while I feel he made a big mistake in marrying that other girl, that's the choice he made. If he regrets it then so be it. He really caused me pain by doing what he did, and although I still kind of have feelings for him, I can't let him do that to me again. I have to learn to actually let go of the past and move on.

Fourth, my best friend is in the MTC and has been for the past few weeks for his mission. He got called to the Hmong speaking Milwaukee, WI mission, and from what I can tell from his letters, he's really enjoying himself. He'll be gone for two years, so I guess I'll have to find another friend I can text and call when I'm bored or need someone to talk to right then.

I also bought a car (a 2008 Chevy Aveo) which I absolutely LOVE, and I have my own apartment which is also pretty nice. As far as relationships go, I'm still single, but I'm hoping that at some point that will change. I'm a pretty quiet person around people I don't really know, so getting back out there might be a little difficult. But, I guess that's a part of the "Making changes, No regrets" that I have to work on. Personally, I think my mom might be secretly pushing for me to end up with Sam when he gets back from his mission (to be honest, it's crossed my mind a few times- why else would I act like a blushing schoolgirl whenever I get a letter from him? Right?) LOL. We'll just have to see with that one in a few years.

Well I think that's all the updates that I can think of right now, at least all of the important ones. I'm hoping to actually post on here more often than I did before, about daily happenings, random thoughts, stuff like that. The more serious stuff I'll probably not put up here because 1) it IS the internet; and 2) some people are just too darn nosy for my liking LOL. I doubt they'd read this anyway, but it's better to be safe than sorry!

I should go to bed now, it's 2am and I'm STILL up. However, something tells me that I will go right back to watching my podcasts on Itunes haha. I'm can be so pathetic sometimes :)


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