Wednesday 21 April 2010


If you were to look at the number of friends that I had back in high school, and compare it to the number of friends that I have now, you would probably wonder what on earth went wrong. It's true that I used to have a lot of friends before graduating high school, but between graduating high school to the present, I've either grown apart from my high school friends (including my best friend in high school) or had a falling out with one friend, which resulted in losing friends that I knew through that one friend. Now, I can safely say that I have three friends, and these three people are people that I know that I can trust. Friends is a word that I don't use lightly, so even though there are a lot of people at work that I talk to, they may not necessarily mean that they are my friends. Mostly just acquaintances. Anyway, even though I only have two friends right now, I know that these three friends will be there for me in any way that they can be, and I know that I can go to them when I have problems or need someone to talk to.

Hannah Brooks Scheungrab (I really hope I spelled that right) is one of those friends. I consider her my Twin (something that started awhile ago, and is now a running inside thing), and even though we've only met each other in person maybe once or twice, I'd say we're pretty close :) I'm really excited to see her and little man when I go home on leave. It sucks that I'm all the way over here in Utah...I'd rather be closer to my family and my Twin. Anyway, even though we're on different sides of the country, she is still able to make me feel better and see the brighter side of things. Aside from my mom, she's the strongest woman that I know, and I'm blessed to have her in my life.

Heather Shields and I have been friends since June of 2008. We were in the same Tech School class, and then we got stationed at the same base together for a year. All this time that we spent together brought us pretty close as friends, and I like the fact that she will be honest with me, whether I like it or not. Our personalities are so different, it's hard to imagine that we're friends. The funny thing is, when we first started Tech School, we HATED each other lol. I think it was because we had just spent 6 1/2 weeks with a bunch of girls, and we were just tired of being around another girl again lol. The guys in our class would always joke about us being "best friends" because we were always arguing with each other. Little did they know that we would end up being really good friends... =)

Sam Relitz...What to say about this guy. I'd have to say that he is my closest friend ever because we've been through so much together, both as a couple and as friends. We've seen each other at our lowest of lows, and some of our highest moments. He's the only one who I feel truly understands me, and I know that he will be honest with me too whether I like it or not.

All in all, I don't know where I would be if I didn't have these friends to help keep me sane- I'm not even sure if I want to even think about it. I'm just grateful that out of all the "friends" that I thought I had, the ones that truly matter are in my life now =)


Hannah Kyrie said...

AW! Twin! I love you! I don't think I'm near as strong as you though. It takes so much strength to do what you're doing for your daughter right now Shenise! It's not easy being away from her, and the other people you love and want to be around...but you still live every day, you get up, get dressed and you continue to move your life forward....that takes more strength then I think you realize! :) P.S. Yes you spelled my name right! ;) lol Go you!

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