Thursday 5 January 2012

Time for a new blog?

(singing)It's one o'clock in the morning, folding laundry got boring, so I opened up my laptop, and...started surfing could not stop...

Okay I'm done. I was thinking of a clever way to open this post, and T-Pain's song "5 o'clock" or whatever it's called featuring Lily Allen came to mind, so I thought I would come up with my own lyrics to their chorus! Well, it was funny to me :P Anyway, I'm sacrificing sleep (and valuable packing time) to update my blog with one final post before Arianna and I fly back to Utah.

Honestly, I'm more nervous about the flights than me taking care of her all by myself out in Utah. I think it's because of the takeoffs and landings...I know her ears will be popping, but I've got some remedies for that (hopefully they will work)! One interesting thing that I've learned-well, two interesting things- while being here is 1) I'm a sympathy crier. Like, my mom started crying once and I felt my eyes tear up, and then another time we took Arianna to the doctor because she got a carpet burn right by her eye after she and I fell down the stairs, anyway she was crying so bad and just not wanting to be there AT ALL and then I felt the tears falling because she was crying. It's weird how before I had her, I hated crying, and now I can't help but tear up during the sad/sappy parts in movies or when other people are crying. 2) I have the hardest time disciplining this child without smiling! Like, I try to tell her no about something, and I feel myself cracking a smile. Or if she's throwing one of her 30 second fits, I'm seriously fighting the urge to laugh. What's with that? I feel so bad for it, but I just can't help it. Maybe with practice, I'll get better at keeping a straight face.

So. Regarding the title of this post. I'm toying with the idea of either revamping this blog to match up with this new chapter in my life, or just starting a whole new blog all together. I mean, new blog for a new chapter, right? Or maybe I should just redo this one? My time will be limited, so maybe I should just revamp and update this blog and see how things turn out. Hmm...

Oh! So I finally got my hands on my keepsake box, and went through it to actually finish my "Sam cleanse" that I started out in Utah. Dude. Over half of that box was stuff that dealt with Sam in some way, mostly notes. After getting all of that stuff out, I found myself wishing that I could get those two and a half years of my life back. There is no way half of my box of keepsakes should consist of things from him while being in high school, right? But it's all thrown away now ( I wished I had been able to burn it, that's way more permanent), so hopefully he won't be on my mind so much anymore. Shoot, I'll be so preoccupied with Arianna that he won't cross my mind at all (hopefully)!

Well, I think that's all I wanted to update. I should probably fold this last load of laundry so I can pack it up and try to get at least an hour or two of sleep. It's going to be a loooong day...



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