Saturday 1 June 2013


Yep! I was actually productive today! I went and did laundry (and even FOLDED them! :gasp: Now they just need to be put away... Which will happen. Eventually), ran some errands (picked up some oils for my oil cleansing "face wash"... Just google oil cleansing method! I also picked up some stuff to try this gelatin and milk face mask deal, along with some other necessities), and washed my hair. 

I've been researching the oil cleansing method for awhile, because none of the other cleansers I was using seemed to work. My skin always ended up dry immediately afterwards, and throughout the day my face would get super oily. I'm not sure where I saw it first, but reading about it definitely had my interest. Basically, you're using a combination of oils to clean your skin. Crazy, right? Well I tried it today.

Here is what I used: 2oz of castor oil, 1oz of extra virgin olive oil, and a few drops each of jojoba, sweet almond, and tea tree oil. My skin definitely felt really nice after that. It wasn't too dry, or too oily. It was just moisturized enough :) I will keep using this every night to get rid of the dirt of the day, and see how my skin improves :) 

After that, I used a mix of gelatin and milk to make an equivalent of a biore pore strip, but for your face. It was fun to put on, but taking it off... Holy crap. That was kinda painful. Plus, it got in my eyebrows lol. So that was painful too lol. On the plus side, my skin is pretty darn smooth :) That might be something I do every week or two weeks. 

Overall, today was a good day :) 


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