Friday 23 April 2010

Today I realized...

So in my job we have loading competitions every quarter between the different fighter squadrons. And today at the load comp, the girlfriend of one of the guys from my shop was there with their newborn son. Seeing them together after the competition was over...seeing how he held his son and talked to him, and looked at him, and just loved him... It made me sad because I realized then that Arianna will probably never meet Alex. She'll never see him outside of pictures, and who knows what I'll tell her when she gets old enough to ask where he is and why he's not with us... It hurts seeing couples with their children, or just families in general because Arianna doesn't have that. Her father's not here, it's just me and my family. And if I ever get married, it still won't be the same because they won't be blood-related. Sometimes when I think about her all I want to do is cry because HE ISN'T HERE, and I want so badly for him to be, even though I know it's impossible. On the bad days, I think about when I found out he was married, and I find myself asking repeatedly what I had done so wrong for him to just do something like that after saying the things that he did to me. I know that he cares about me and her, but sometimes caring just isn't enough. I know that he's pretty happy in his marriage (at least I think he is), and I'm happy that he's happy (for the most part), but I can't help but feel extremely selfish in this regard, and I think I'm allowed to be selfish in this case. I have no clue as to who my biological parents are, and I don't want Arianna wondering who her father is... What I want is for him to be here, with us, as a family. Who am I kidding though- sometimes I take wishful thinking a little TOO far.


Hannah Kyrie said...

1st of all! Yes, you have a right to be selfish! I totally agree with you there! BUT! Here's the good thing though! Arianna has SO much love! It doesn't matter where it exactly comes from. I know that honestly, being with your family right now, she's probably being WAY more spoiled than she would be if you were to marry Alex and the two of you would be with her. To be's kinda cool! Being married and having a baby puts ALLLL kinds of stress in all different kinds of places. So you should be glad that Arianna has SO much love! It doesn't matter about her being blood related. I'm a firm believer in we make our own family! That could mean your blood family, or it could mean good friends. I personally would be willing to be a designated Aunt for Arianna! Just sayin! LOL But seriously! Don't let that make you sad when you see couples. I could imagine how seeing it might hurt, but be grateful that Arianna has people who love her! She could be SO much worse off! And to be honest...if Alex can't step up and be a man, he doesn't need to be apart of her life! Also, when she gets older....telling her the truth would be good! Kids understand SO much more than most people think they do. Plus it's a good lesson for her to see how strong you've been! :) <3

Shenise said...

Thanks Twin! I know for a fact she's being spoiled, at least by my dad LOL. And I know that she's loved by my family, that's something I'm EXTREMELY thankful for that =) I have no problem with you being her designated Aunt, I consider you part of my family =) Thank you for the love and encouragement Twin!! =)

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