Saturday 10 April 2010

Update on Food Diary

So I've been keeping track of everything I've eaten for the last five days and so far it's been alright. I am thinking about what I want to eat before I eat it because I know I'll have to write it down, and I've been trying to eat a little healthier because of that. Now I'm looking into the 3-2-1 Slim Fast plan to see how that will do for me as well. I went to the gym today and worked out for awhile, and I felt really good afterwards so I'm definitely going to keep that up :) It's nice to have a little gym here at the apartment complex because I get self-conscious at the bigger gyms. So hopefully this will motivate me to start working out more to help get in shape :) My goal is to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight (which was between 160 and 170lbs) by my birthday. I think I'm going to have to buy a scale next week so I can see how much I weight now so I can keep track of how much weight I lose. Not that I want to go back to being super thin again, but I need to tone up my tummy and my waist...I personally think it's too flabby. Here's to losing weight (and hopefully keeping it off)! =)


Hannah Kyrie said...

OMG! We are SO alike! LOL I LOVE our apartment complex gym for that same reason! I can't stand big gyms! LOL And by the way, I did Slim Fast a few years ago, and I loved it. I don't remember how successful exactly I was, but I liked the milkshakes and bars. And it helped me stay full and keep from gaining any extra weight. I don't think exactly lost a ton, BUT I was in college and didn't exercise at the time. lol

Shenise said...

LOL yeah I'm liking the slim fast thing so far... These snack bars are ridiculously good, and so is the chocolate shake. Let's hope I can keep up with it for another few weeks!

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