Monday 6 September 2010

Letting Go

I guess it's something that I need to do. Go figure, life decisions come to me when major life events happen. I don't know why that is, but I guess I need major life events to happen to me to be able to put my life into perspective. I also have a math assignment that I need to do, so naturally I blog about something serious ha ha.

So. This particular entry is about letting go. And how I just need to let go of this plan that I have formulated in my head, and let God take control of my life. Now, I'm not entirely sure how to go about this, since I'm not good with not knowing how things go. I like having control of things in my life. That being said, when I have things set out in my head, I like to live according to the plan in my head. However, after a few conversations with a very special best friend of mine, maybe I should think about how much sense the plan in my head makes. Looking back on my past...choices in life and men (mostly men, with the exception of one man), I'm realizing that I've dated/"been with" jerks. And no matter how much effort I put into trying to make them happy and possibly feel the same way about me as I do them, they were still jerks. But, me being the way I was back in high school, I looked past that. Because I wanted people to like me, I was willing to look past how they treated me. Now though, I realize that allowing everyone to walk all over me is not the best way to live my life. I shouldn't be comfortable with living in my own little shell aka my apartment, and instead should be doing things outside of my apartment. Like... shopping, going to the movies, visiting the zoo or the aquarium, or heck, even going into the mountains (especially since I keep talking about how beautiful the mountains are). That is the letting go part. The other part I need to work on is letting God take control of my life.

Now, I'm not entirely sure how to go about this. I'm sure prayer is in there, along with service work and living the commandments and living the Gospel (are both of those the same thing?). Is there a step-by-step process to letting God take control? It probably starts with prayer. That is step one. But what's step two; step three? Maybe the previous paragraph are steps two and three in this plan...I have quite a few "How do I" questions. Like...How do I pray? How do I know when Heavenly Father is speaking to me? How do I recognize the promptings of the Spirit? I'm sure we've all thought that life would be so much easier if we were provided with a map of what we're supposed to do, but then I guess that would defeat the purpose of our being here. So...I guess I pretty much just answered my own question. Huh. Kinda interesting how we can sometimes answer our own questions in things such as blog entries.

*sigh* I suppose I should go work on this math assignment now...


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