Saturday 11 September 2010

What's your job?

When I first meet people and I tell them that I'm in the Air Force, the next question they ask is "What do you do?" To which I just say that I'm weapons, where I basically load bombs and missiles onto jets. After doing this job for two years, it kind of gets a little boring and repetitive...But when you really think about it...

It's the United States Air Force. Air Force being the key words. My job is to load the weapons that bring said force to those who bring harm to this country. The jobs on the flight line ARE the force in the United States Air force. Crew Chiefs make sure the jet is good to fly (basically the jet mechanics), E&E takes care of the Engines, Specialists...I'm not sure what they do but I know they put the targeting pods on the jets and they record all the video from the flights I think. And then you have my job. Weapons. It's our job to put warheads on foreheads. Which, in about a week and a half is what we'll be doing. It's kind of a scary thought, loading up a jet with live munitions, and then have them come back empty, because then you know that you did your job correctly. Those warheads got dropped where they needed to be dropped, and most likely killed someone (or animals, so I've heard...), and we're the ones who provided those warheads. I'm not concerned with loading lives because I've done that before, it's the part where the jets leave loaded and come back empty. It's...I don't know. It will be a new experience, but I'm looking forward to it.


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