Saturday 30 July 2011

I had a title for this post, but then I forgot

As I sit here on my couch, watching In Plain Sight, doing laundry, and eating beef jerky (go mulititasking! And most likely causing my keyboard and/or phone to smell like beef jerky...*sigh*), and everytime I think back to today (well, yesterday now) and Friday I can't help but smile about it.

The camp outwas SO much fun. I'm happy that I was able to get off of work somewhat early enough to make it (even if I did get lost for maybe an hour or so out in the middle of nowhere... It was scary). Fun times, really. Capture the flag when it's pretty much pitch black out, sitting by the campfire and trying to protect your eyes from the smoke, going on my first climb EVER (and I didn't die or hurt myself! I may have stepped in the creek on accident, but I managed with one wet foot LOL)...Just hanging out with some awesome people. It was great. With my work schedule (which is 3-11pm for those who didn't know that), it's hard to make it to YSA activities during the week, so I get really excited when there are activities that I can actually go to (and I try my hardest to make it to the activities that I can actually go to). And I totally lost my train of thought. Um... oh! I came home and took a nap with the intention of going grocery shopping, cleaning and doing laundry... That didn't happen until after 8pm or so. I woke up with MASSIVE heartburn, and I felt like I was going to throw up (and I HATE throwing up...ugh), so I sat my behind on my couch and watched tv until I felt better and then went about my errands!

So basically, I'm enjoying my weekend. I know that tomorrow will rock too, because it's Sunday! I'm almost done with reading "The Holy Temple" too. I think I'm going to need a bigger bookshelf, because I already have a few books that won't fit anymore... Guess that will go on my to-do list!

I've noticed that most of the bloggers that I follow use their blogs on a daily basis as their actual journal... I think I'm the opposite. I have an actual journal that I write in about daily events, or I write in there every couple of days, but for some reason I find that I blog when I have something serious to say or when something is bothering me. I think it's because I type faster than I write, so I'm able to just think at the normal speed my mind runs and my fingers can keep up! It's probably backwards, but it works for me. I'm not even sure why I added this paragraph to this post, but for some reason I felt it needed to be said...? *shrugs*


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