Wednesday 30 June 2010

Just been one of thos (yester)days...

Have you ever had those days where it seems so much is going on that there's NO way you could possibly write it in your journal so you type it instead? Today (yesterday) is one of those days. It was started off great, got a full workout in and ran 1.4 miles! Then when I got to work ( my car made it today!), one of the guys in my shop suggested calling around to different Chevy dealerships to see if my car's thorttle body would be covered under their powertain or emissions warranty because for some reason, the dealership I bought it from said that it wasn't covered under either of them...And I found a dealership in Salt Lake City that covers it under their powertrain warranty, and BONUS- they can come tow it too! I'm just hoping that when they run the diagnostics on it, that it will still be the throttle that's giving me a problem so I won't have to pay for it or the towing (the towing itself is about $70)... I'm going to stay optimistic about it though! :) I got my first full day of what a normal swing shift is and I was pretty busy the entire night. Nothing like pushing a toolbox all over the flightline...At least I get something of a workout out of it haha. Anyway, it was a long, tiring day at work, and I hadn't eaten a lot which puts me out of it when I check my Facebook to see a message from Alex about how he wants to call me to set something up to get a test done on Arianna to see if he's really the father. I told him a few months back that I had a strong feeling that he was her father, and even though he offered I told him that I didn't want anything from him. That being said, when he brought this up I just asked him why it even mattered because if she does turn out to be his, he'll be legally bound to her and have to pay child support...I don't ask him for anything so I asked why he wanted to change that....I'm just tired of all of this stuff with him, and I'd very much prefer not talking to him at all ever again haha. What kinda put a damper on my day was that my mailbox was empty *tear*, BUT Sam should be getting his 4th of July package tomorrow! I really hope he likes it...I probably won't find out his reaction to it until Monday, but I really hoped he liked it! :) On another note, for the past week or so, I've found spiders chilling outside of my bedroom window, and it seemed like they were casing out my apartment which was kinda weird....A few days later what do I see but those very spiders INSIDE my apartment! Luckily I had Lysol and a shoe to kill them with, and I hope I'm done dealing with them.

Looking back on this, it doesn't seem like a lot at all...But it would've been so much harder to write all of this out because my fingers would've cramped up at some point just from trying to write at the speed my mind was moving haha. Hooray for typing!

Tuesday 29 June 2010

The Old Testament

When the new year came around, I made a resolution to read the Old Testatment of The Bible this year. Right now I'm in the book of Judges, and as I'm reading it, I'm noticing that the children of Israel remind me of the Nephites in The Book of Mormon. The children of Israel were saved by the hand of God and journeyed to the land promised to them. Pretty soon they started going against the commandments and following other gods. This cause the Lord to leave them, and they began to not prosper as much and lose their battles against the other nations in their land. Then a prophet or prophetess would arise from the children of Israel and save them, for which they would be happy. But once the prophet or prophetess died, they would revert right back to their evil ways. And the cycle continued this way. I don't know why it reminded me of the Nephites, probably because they too were chosen of God, and over time they drifted away from the commandments and teachings of the prophets and kings, even to the point where the Lamanites were more righteous than they were! I dunno, I just found it an interesting comparison, and a futher testimony to me that The Book of Mormon truly testifies of Christ and the history of the people that lived here in the Americas.

Sunday 20 June 2010


It's days like today where I wish that I could just pick up the phone and text my best friend. While I'm happy that I went to Church even though I didn't want to, Gospel Essentials was not my favorite part of the day. Someone made a comment that was more hurtful than funny (which was what he intended), and it really upset me and kinda threw me off the rest of the lesson and Relief Society *sigh* Of course, I can't call or text my best friend because he's on his mission, so I'm left to my own devices on how to get over it I guess. It's just depressing sometimes that during those hard, upsetting times when I would normally call my best friend to talk, I have to settle for a letter or just writing in my journal. I've written in my travelling journal about it- well about the lesson (which was on the Law of Chastity- not the most comfortable subject for me for obvious reasons), and the part that bothered me the most was the whole thing about how the First Presidency counseled that a baby of unwed parents should be put up for adoption if the parents are unable to get married for whatever reason so the baby can live with temple worthy parents. Which got me to thinking, maybe I'm being selfish by not putting her up for adoption and by keeping her instead (and by her I mean Arianna)? For that matter, she's not even with me- she's with my parents in VA which makes me feel even MORE selfish because I feel like I'm shirking my responsibilities of being a mom, even though my parents don't mind taking her, I still feel bad...*sigh* So much confusion going on in my head, and not really anyone to talk to about it...*sigh*

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Seriously now...

Why you gotta be hatin? Stop sippin on the haterade and drink some water or something!

Monday 14 June 2010

Back to where it all began

So, in case you couldn't tell, I'm kinda on a RENT kick right now and it's bringing back some memories. For instance, right now I'm reminded of when I first realized that I had a crush on Sam, and I fell pretty darn hard for him. I mean, I secretly liked him, but that Homecoming of our Junior year of high school... Well, my Homecoming anyway, I think we both just new. It's actually a pretty funny (and scary) story...

It started at my high school's Homecoming football game, and a mutual friend of ours came to the game and brought Sam with her. The reason that he came was because his ex gf went to my school, and they wanted to really make her jealous so they pretended that they were a couple to see how she'd react. I don't remember what her reaction was, all I can remember is looking at Sam and our friend holding hands, and how I wished that he were holding mine instead. Silly me, not realizing that it being the fall and all that a shirt and hoodie probably wouldn't keep me warm once it got later into the night, at this point I'm noticing that I can't feel my fingers and I'm REALLY wishing that Sam would just take my hands already because I kinda got the feeling that he wanted to even though he was playing this charade with our friend... Anyway, the night goes on, and as it gets colder I get colder and my fingers are now a bluish purple. We're in the bleachers and that's when the shaking started. It wasn't bad at first, but then I suppose the cold REALLY set in and they got pretty bad. I can't remember who it was, but someone gave me something ( I think it was a jacket) to try to help keep me warm, and I survived to the end of the game (although I couldn't tell you who won...I can't remember if that was the year our team really sucked or not haha). ANYWAY, later on down the road, after we actually started dating, we talked about that Homecoming game...What we both found interesting is that the entire time I was wishing he'd hold my hand, HE was wishing he could hold my hand too. And that's pretty much when we admitted that we had liked each other for awhile, but other relationships happened before ours so it delayed it a little bit...

And in case you were wondering (for those who actually read my rantings LOL), the reason why RENT brings back memories is because when it came out in the movie theaters, our little high school group went to see it and we dressed up as the characters. Naturally, Sam and I went as Collins and Angel which worked perfectly because Collins is a bass and Sam's a bass and Angel...Well I can sing his/her parts so it's all good haha. Ever since then we've had inside jokes about starting our own restaurant in Santa Fe, and on one of the cd's he made me, my FAVORITE RENT song is on there, "I'll Cover You". Ah, I love that song so much...Anyway, watching that movie tonight/ this morning just brought back all of those memories, and now I'm really missing my Collins and wishing that I could call or text him or something to let him know that I love and miss him...

RENT- Your Eyes

From an Angel who misses her Collins...

Saturday 12 June 2010

Awesome day despite the crappy weather

Okay- so D.I. is pretty much AWESOME! I went there today to donate all of my maternity clothes and just look around for some shirts and skirts...Didn't find any skirts that I liked, but I found some shirts. Sheesh, I have to be careful in stores like this haha. I was looking at all of the cute frames and everything that was already framed, and kept thinking "gotta get this, gotta get that", but I will save that for another day. I also ventured into the other side of the building called the Distribution Center- what an overwhelming feeling that is. I spent who knows how long just looking around at the different stuff (they had a Hmong Book of Mormon, but I couldn't read it because it wan't in the Roman alphabe or whatever it is)...Especially all of the pictures that were in frames and weren't in frames. I knew that I wanted one to hang up in my apartment, and it was SO HARD to decide on one that I wanted, I liked to many of them! In the end, I bought a framed picture of The Christus and it's hanging over my family pictures that are on my mantle over the fireplace :) I REALLY like it, and I can't wait to go back and buy more!

Friday 11 June 2010

Fireflight :)

So- a few of the MG's posted some videos of a band called Fireflight, and this band is just amazing. I was watching some of the videos this morning, and here are some that I liked (one can definitely be for us MG's as well =D)