Wednesday 30 June 2010

Just been one of thos (yester)days...

Have you ever had those days where it seems so much is going on that there's NO way you could possibly write it in your journal so you type it instead? Today (yesterday) is one of those days. It was started off great, got a full workout in and ran 1.4 miles! Then when I got to work ( my car made it today!), one of the guys in my shop suggested calling around to different Chevy dealerships to see if my car's thorttle body would be covered under their powertain or emissions warranty because for some reason, the dealership I bought it from said that it wasn't covered under either of them...And I found a dealership in Salt Lake City that covers it under their powertrain warranty, and BONUS- they can come tow it too! I'm just hoping that when they run the diagnostics on it, that it will still be the throttle that's giving me a problem so I won't have to pay for it or the towing (the towing itself is about $70)... I'm going to stay optimistic about it though! :) I got my first full day of what a normal swing shift is and I was pretty busy the entire night. Nothing like pushing a toolbox all over the flightline...At least I get something of a workout out of it haha. Anyway, it was a long, tiring day at work, and I hadn't eaten a lot which puts me out of it when I check my Facebook to see a message from Alex about how he wants to call me to set something up to get a test done on Arianna to see if he's really the father. I told him a few months back that I had a strong feeling that he was her father, and even though he offered I told him that I didn't want anything from him. That being said, when he brought this up I just asked him why it even mattered because if she does turn out to be his, he'll be legally bound to her and have to pay child support...I don't ask him for anything so I asked why he wanted to change that....I'm just tired of all of this stuff with him, and I'd very much prefer not talking to him at all ever again haha. What kinda put a damper on my day was that my mailbox was empty *tear*, BUT Sam should be getting his 4th of July package tomorrow! I really hope he likes it...I probably won't find out his reaction to it until Monday, but I really hoped he liked it! :) On another note, for the past week or so, I've found spiders chilling outside of my bedroom window, and it seemed like they were casing out my apartment which was kinda weird....A few days later what do I see but those very spiders INSIDE my apartment! Luckily I had Lysol and a shoe to kill them with, and I hope I'm done dealing with them.

Looking back on this, it doesn't seem like a lot at all...But it would've been so much harder to write all of this out because my fingers would've cramped up at some point just from trying to write at the speed my mind was moving haha. Hooray for typing!


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