Tuesday 29 June 2010

The Old Testament

When the new year came around, I made a resolution to read the Old Testatment of The Bible this year. Right now I'm in the book of Judges, and as I'm reading it, I'm noticing that the children of Israel remind me of the Nephites in The Book of Mormon. The children of Israel were saved by the hand of God and journeyed to the land promised to them. Pretty soon they started going against the commandments and following other gods. This cause the Lord to leave them, and they began to not prosper as much and lose their battles against the other nations in their land. Then a prophet or prophetess would arise from the children of Israel and save them, for which they would be happy. But once the prophet or prophetess died, they would revert right back to their evil ways. And the cycle continued this way. I don't know why it reminded me of the Nephites, probably because they too were chosen of God, and over time they drifted away from the commandments and teachings of the prophets and kings, even to the point where the Lamanites were more righteous than they were! I dunno, I just found it an interesting comparison, and a futher testimony to me that The Book of Mormon truly testifies of Christ and the history of the people that lived here in the Americas.


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