Tuesday 29 March 2011

Shea Moisture is at Walgreens!!!! : D

I remember awhile ago there being mention of Shea Moisture products being sold at Walgreens starting in March. I forgot about it until yesterday, when I was looking through a forum that I follow and came across a thread about a Shea Moisture buy one get one free sale at Walgreens tonight! How stoked was I?!?! SO stoked!!! I was at work when I found out, and was SO thankful that 1) the Walgreens down the street was participating in this sale, and 2) it's open 24 hours! I work from 3-11pm, so that worked out perfectly! Anyway, I walked in the store, and got nervous but I couldn't find it. And then I did! I got SO excited!!! This is what I got (along with another curl enhancing smoothie, since I'm FINALLY starting to run out haha):

I used the shampoo and conditioner tonight (and also used the conditioner as a leave in), and then sealed with my oils mix and my hair feels AWESOME! So light and clean (albeit still slightly itchy...gotta find a way to solve that problem). The shampoo felt like I was washing with conditioner! DARN IT! *smacks forhead* I totally forgot to put in my ACV rinse... I firmly believe that's why my scalp has been so itchy... *sigh* I keep forgetting and I don't know why! grr...So! That is my hair update ( I guess) for now! I'm STILL considering getting braids put in (I'm such an indecisive person), but now I'm stuck between Kinky Twists, and Nubian Twists. *sigh* Also (sorry, this just came to mind)! Kimmaytube's leave-in conditioner- LOVE IT!! First off, it smells like baby oil- and that's an awesome smell. Second, it moisturized my hair SO WELL. It gave my curls bounce (BOUNCE! And my curls aren't even that long! Especially since I got it trimmed/cut!), it's SUPER light, and it blended into my hair like it was nothing. I made a second batch when I ran out of the first, only this time I wanted to try it in my spritz bottle... Yeah, I think I'm going to use it as it was meant to be used, and then whenever I get braids I'll probably use the spritz bottle version (and use the actual measurements- or maybe a little less haha). Anyway, on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the worse and 10 being the best)... This leave-in conditioner is 10 times 10 to the infinity power (which basically means, IT IS OFF THE CHAIN!!!)!!! This is definitely going to be my staple leave-in condish. Definitely. Thanks bunches, Kimmaytube! : D

Now. Onto something slightly different...I'm not a big huge fan of her, but one of her songs kinda fits the way that I've been feeling for awhile- Taylor Swift's "Teardrops on My Guitar." Now, I don't play the guitar, and I'm definitely not in high school anymore, but the meaning behind the song basically reflects how I've been feeling emotionally lately. This, and realizing some other things have made me feel somewhat better, but not by much. It doesn't really ease the heartache. I'm having a hard time finding something to distract myself with. I mean, yes, I've been trying to turn to God by praying and reading the Bible, but it's not helping. How do I get over feeling this way? Does anyone have any suggestions??? I'll GLADLY take some : )

Tuesday 22 March 2011

I'm so excited!

Okay. First off, my bantu knot-out came out WONDERFULLY! For those who were wondering I did the knots with Shea Moisture's Curl Enhancing smoothie, and then spritzed my oil mix over the knots when I was done. This was the result!

I was SO happy with the way they came out, my hair looked so much thicker because all the small coils were combined into larger coils. I think I will DEFINITELY come back and do these more often!

Now, on to something I'm just as excited about! I've found that my leave-in spritz that I've been using keeps my hair moisturized for maybe an hour or two, and then after that it's dry and crunchy (mostly when I'm at work). The oils that I use to seal my hair (supposedly) are still there, but it's still dry and crunchy : / So... off to Youtube I went! I checked out one of the natural hair channels I subscribed to, and came across this LOVELY gem: Kimmay Tube's leave-in mix! I read a lot of the comments, and it seemed to do SO much as far as retain moisture and keeping the hair soft, that I just HAD to give it a try! So off to the Super Wal-Mart I went! These were the products that I used:

(in the video she uses aloe vera juice, but I did some more research on it and aloe vera gel works too!)

I followed the instructions ( using 4 teaspoons of my herbal oil, because it had both the castor and jojoba oil...I figured it just made sense), and came this is the end result!

I'm looking forward to using this tomorrow after I cowash my hair. I especially like that when it's mixed well with aloe vera gel, the mix turns really creamy : )

I also found a few bandannas (one of which I'm wearing in the above picture), for $1!! I'm just excited to do some spring clothing shopping (spending wisely of course!) and embracing all of this new natural hair goodness!!! 

Monday 21 March 2011


I'm SO happy to finally have some time to actually try something new with my hair. We've been pulling 12 hour shifts at work for the past two-three months, and TODAY (yesterday) THAT FINALLY ENDED!!!! I was at work for maybe...2 hours today! AWESOME! So- Friday night I was looking through some natural hair blogs, and one of the blogs that I'm following had a post on a bantu knot out that she did. It came out REALLY good, and her hair is short like mine! Well, mine is a little shorter than hers. Anyway, that inspired me to look up on Youtube videos of bantu knots on short hair. From what I saw it's fairly easy to do. Since I didn't have time to deep condition my hair on Saturday (when I usually deep condition my hair), I was going to do it tonight (well, Sunday night, since it's monday morning) since there was a rumor of being back on 8 hour shifts this week (which is in fact, a fact). Anyway, so. Got done with work WAY early, deep conditioned my hair, and put my hair into bantu knots. I'm hoping they come out somewhat decent, seeing as my twist-outs didn't work out very well...

 Hopefully these turn out okay!!!

Another thing I'm looking forward to trying is the ayurvedic hair care regimen. It uses different Indian Herbs that are good for your hair, and I'm excited to try it because it seems to be working for others who have tried it. My hair is kind of at a growth stunt right now (I really need to trim it though- that COULD be the problem... *innocent shrug*), and some of the herbs that are used in this regimen promot hair growth! I should also really consider taking multivitamins again... I jused to take One A Day Women's, and I can't remember why I stopped taking that... hm.

ALSO. I'm on the fence about getting braids put in. I would like to be able to do something new with my hair and actually be able to stayle it, but I don't know how it will hold up in the coming spring/summer months. Maybe I should hold off on the ayurvedic hair care until I've gotten tired of braids... Maybe kinky twists?

Oh the joys of trying new things with my hair... 

Thursday 17 March 2011

Every woman has a breaking point, y'all

I don't know why, but that song by Keri Hilson is currently playing in my head. I mean, obviously there's a reason behind it, but I'm not entirely sure what that reason is. Make sense at all? I hope so. Things have been...different lately. I'm not sure how to deal with it. No, that's not it. I know I just have to stop caring about it and just move on. I try not to let it bother me when I come across something new; it doesn't sting so much anymore, but what bothers me is that I've become numb to it I guess. Like, I see it and I think "oh, well... I guess that explains the gap in responses..." I mean, I really should understand (and I do), I guess... Sharing has never really been something I was good at. Especially now. But that's just something I need to work on... Actually letting go and moving on... Somehow... *sigh*

New finds for a new path!

A lot has been going on in my life... Not just with work (which has taken over my life..haha), but spiritually as well. A few weeks ago I was talking to my parents about a situation that was going on, and religion and our different faiths came up. Usually I get pretty frustrated when this happens, but not this time. Why? Because I've been doing some thinking about religion, my faith, what I believe, why I became LDS... Interesting enough, this stemmed from my reading the Bible, and not really understanding what I was reading (it was the King James Version), and wondering why, being LDS and all, there isn't an easier version of the Bible so that those who have a hard time with the KJV can read the Bible and be able to comprehend what they're reading. Anyway, that really got me to thinking why I became LDS, and how I really would appreciate being able to read the Bible and actually understand what is being said. So, I ordered that top Bible that you see up there (which is in the New King James Version), a Women's Devotional Bible (New International Version), and today I bought an NIV of the Bible (it's the one that's pictured up there) because I'm too impatient and can't wait for my Women's Devotional Bible to show up, I was that excited to finally be able to understand the Bible! I also ordered a journal to write down verses that stand out to me when I'm reading. I'm really excited to see where this path leads me; I need to learn how to build my own personal relationship with God and build my testimony of God's truth instead of following the testimony of others.

Monday 7 March 2011

Hi, my name is Shenise...

And I am a victim to boredom shopping.

Three different kinds of Lip Smackers (soda flavored, skittle flavored, and the original kind)

Two different kinds of facial cleansers.

I need help... hahaha

Thursday 3 March 2011


I'm feeling MUCH better after talking to my Twin yesterday and doing some praying! :D I have some things to think about, but for now, I'm feeling good :)

Wednesday 2 March 2011

I feel....empty. Alone. Hopeless. Heavy. Depressed...? I dunno. I want to feel, but I don't. I just feel out of it... How do I get back in?