Friday 7 September 2012

God's silver linings

I feel like this has been my life lately. Just a little shitty. Between getting ready to deploy, to finding out you might be leaving earlier than planned (which spurred an onslaught of thoughts, mostly about having to move out sooner and pack, and where I'm getting the money to do so), to finding out in the same day that you can't go, to all kinds of craziness going on at work (no kidding, it's straight chaos. Stress all around for everyone!), it was hard to think that there would be ANY good coming from this shitty time in my life.
It would seem God saw things differently.
I'm not going to lie, I was looking forward to this deployment. I was looking forward to not having to deal with drama. Actually being able to save money and keep it in a savings account. Not being too distracted to work on my online classes. Hearing that I wouldn't be able to deploy because of a procedure I need to get done... Well it sucked lol. All kinds of thoughts were going through my head; most involved this procedure, others involved who they would send in my place since we were strapped for people already, and then I had to hurry and call base housing so I could get on their waiting list since I already gave my apartment complex my 30 day notice :-/
Today, at a particularly stressful time at work, I had a few random thoughts that I now see as God's silver linings.
While I'm not able to deploy...
I don't have to worry about getting a new computer to work on assignments for my online classes because my laptop screen is a little messed up.
I won't have to worry about turning assignments in late because of the time difference.
There won't be any stress involved with having to finding a storage place, pack up, and move out in a few weeks.
I'm on the waiting list for base housing...The leasing agent told me of a house that's available and I drove by it on my way home. It's so quiet, and the house is cute (on the outside). The yards weren't large, and the cul-de-sac it's on is quiet, but near a toddler park for Arianna. It's looking pretty good that I'll get it at the end of next month :)
Instead of having 2-3 weeks to move, I get two months (until my lease ends). Even then, I get to move into a house, not a hotel and a storage unit :)
So far, that's all He's shown me. But, it was enough :) Even though I'm failing in attending church and reading my Bible (I know, shame on me), God still shows me that He loves me enough to show me that while my day may seem shitty, God will always be there to provide a silver lining.



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