Monday 17 September 2012

Procrastinating, or one track minded?

So, I came to the library to work on some classwork/homework for my classes, and ended up doing everything but. Mainly catching up on blogs, since I can't do that on my computer anymore :-/ Man, I've missed a lot in the last few weeks. I'm happy I was able to catch up though :)

Okay. Something that's been irritating me as of today... Something that's known as the "black girl experience". Apparently, it's when a white guy has never dated/hooked up with a black girl, and wants to do so just to say that they did. Um, WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT?? Since when is it such an accomplishment to date a black girl?! Is this on every white male's checklist of things they want to do before they die??? I just had to deal with this this morning... Had a guy message me on a social dating site wanting to hook up because he had never been with a black girl and that they're a super huge turn on for him. Get the eff outta here with that mess, man! Damn, I'm so tired of dealing with the males in this state... They either don't give me the time of day because I'm not LDS (or at least an active one...), or they just want sex from me. Pretty sure I already commented on this last night? Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. I'm tired of being talked to simply because someone's never dated or been with a black girl. It's not just about skin color, idiots. *sigh*

What else was I going to talk about... oh! I went to Walgreens and got some much needed stuff for my hair. I got three new hair products that I want to try (Pantene curly shampoo and conditioner, and Nubian Heritage's Indian something something custard), along with two new face moisutrizers (Yes to Tomatoes, and I can't remember the name of the other one). I'm currently using the Nubian Heritage in my hair, and it smells AHMAZING! My hair STILL feels soft and moisturized, and it's been in for about an hour or so? If this keeps up, I'll definitely be using this as my leave-in/styler. Oh! I also bought Cantu Shea Butter's growth treatment? I can't remember the name. I'm not sure how I want to use that yet... As for the face moisturizers, I got two. I can't remember the name of the one I used this morning, I think it's called Formula 10.6 or something. Anyway, it has aloe vera and bamboo in it, and the bamboo is supposed to help soak up any extra oil that the skin produces. Perfect for me, because my face always turns into shiny skin city from all of this extra oil. So far, no shiny city! It was really light when I put it on, thank goodness I didn't use a lot of it!

I'm not entirely sure what to talk about now...Oh! Both of my classes are going really well so far! I haven't lost that motivation to not complete assignments or anything like that (and hopefully that will not happen at all this semester), and I'M NOT FAILING MATH (yet)! Right now in Math (Basic Algebra) I have a 91.3%, and in my computer applications class, I have a 89.1%. Not bad for two classes along with 10-12 hours of work! Not to mention, I don't have a laptop anymore, so I'm either here at the library or down at the Devry Campus getting homework done (thank goodness I'm able to go down there!). So far, everything is okay.

Oh, did I mention how I wasn't going to deploy to Korea? *thinks* Yes. Yes I did. Well, this Thursday I have my LEEP procedure scheduled. I had to Google it because I'd never heard of it before. Basically (sorry, this is about to be a little TMI maybe), a cone-shaped chunk of my cervix is getting removed, to make sure that it's not cancer or something. At least that's what the doctor told/showed me when he drew a very simple picture haha. I'm a little nervous, because I've never been put to sleep before, and I don't know how the results will turn out, and I don't know how much recovery time will be needed. Hm. I guess we'll see about it on Thursday.

Totally random thought: Not gonna lie, but I do kinda miss going to my single's ward. Not sure why, seeing as how everytime I went I always felt depressed, but for some reason I do.

Another thought: I bought Fifty Shades of Grey today... This book is crazy. And funny. There are times where I wonder if I should even be reading this thing, but I can't put it down! It's good, but holy crap, man! I know I'm going to end up getting the next two books too. Call me strange, but a guy like Christian Grey does sound interesting...minus the play room and some of his rules...


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