Saturday 3 July 2010


First off, I'm going to say that the only redeeming quality that Edward Cullen has is the sideburns. They remind me of Sam's sideburns :) Now, onto what I thought of the movie.

This movie was AMAZING! Oh man, I am SO happy I went to see it. It was both funny, cute, and filled with good action. It followed the book pretty well, and I LOVED how they actually put in scenes of Rosalie's and Jasper's stories, along with the stories from the Quilete council. It was GREAT- kinda how I imagined it when I read the book! Jacob Black- mm mm mm...What to say about Jacob Black...That guy is SEXINESS ON A STICK. Like seriously, every time he came onto the screen, you could hear all of the girls' reaction, and I pretty much melted into my seat. This movie further proves my point that Bella is one of the most selfish and annoying person I have EVER seen on t.v. Seriously girl, you KNOW that Jacob is the better choice (OBVIOUSLY). He's loyal, kind, funny, smart, honest, HOT...and he's a WOLF! I mean, SERIOUSLY?! How can a VAMPIRE compare to a WOLF??? You can't cuddle with a vampire, it's like hugging a cold stone. Vampires can't keep you warm on cold winter nights (as was proven in the movie) like wolves can. Sure, a major downside of being a wolf would be the whole imprinting deal (which IS unfortunate, and kinda sucky), but still. I'd very much prefer being in love with someone who lives and breathes and has a beating heart. The fact that I'd have my very own pet without spending any money is a bonus too. *sigh* I don't think I'll EVER like Bella, simply because she ignores what's best for her. What if she hadn't even met Edward first, but Jacob instead? I wonder how that story would turn out...I mean come on. What he told Bella before he kissed her? Totally made me weak in the knees...and if I had been her I would've DEFINITELY been like, SCREW EDWARD! hahaha

Another part about the movie that I liked was Charlie. He was such a father in this movie, and his comments were SO funny LOL. Oh! Also, Jacob and Edward's rivalry- AWESOME! I really wish they had quotes up because I would definitely be posting some of them.  I don't know, it was just so cute. Once clips start coming up, I'll probably post those and quotes as well, because so many of them (mostly by Jacob- like what he said before he kissed her) are ones that I want to put in my journal.

I'll end this post by saying that my favorite vampire is now Jasper. He's just so old fashioned and kinda handsome, and his southern accent just adds to it. If Alice didn't already have him (and their relationship is SO adorable in this movie, I LOVE how they elaborated on it), I'd try my hand at getting him :)


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