Sunday 4 July 2010

Single's Ward

So this is another one of those instances where it will be easier to type about my experiences than writing them because I'm bound to forget something. So, here's my day:

Of course, I went to the Camelot family ward, and it was the same as usual, pretty good. We had missionaries sit in on our Gospel Essentials class, and we talked about life after death. It was a nice lesson, it reminded me of one of the reasons why I joined the Church: because there is life after death, you don't just die and get buried in a grave and stay there. In Relief Society the lesson was on Temples and the covenants that can be done there. Nothing specific about what goes on, just that we have baptismal covenants, and other covenants as well. It was a good lesson from the temple prep manual (maybe I should look for it).

Then...single's ward. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty nervous becasue I wasn't sure what to expect. I can tell you one thing I definitely wasn't expecting- a black guy to walk in. First time I've seen that. There were a lot of new people in the ward today. Fast and Testimony meeting was...quiet LOL. Sunday school was interesting, talking about having improper thoughts and what we should do to overcome them. It was an informative lesson, using the story of David and Bath-sheba. Relief Society was something different. Mainly because it's the first time I've actually contributed to a lesson. This one was on President Faust's talk on recognizing how we are daughters of God. It was a great lesson, and I felt like I belonged here. Nice feeling. I think I'll enjoy going to the single's ward, especially once I get back from this TDY. It sucks that I have to go this week for two weeks, but I will definitely be returning to the ward when I get back. It's nice knowing that it's not the way movies depict single's wards LOL. I'm pretty excited to meet people who are my age, and maybe some guys to date :)


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