Friday 16 July 2010

Oh yes...

I will be seeing this place...

and this place tomorrow. I am BEYOND excited!!! :D

Also, I have decided that I'm going to go natural! Which means I'm going to grow out all of the chemically treated hair on my head and stick with my natural head of hair. I'm pretty excited about it...I wanted to do something new with my hair aside from braids (which I have found out the ones that I've been getting have been doing more damage than actually helping my hair grow LOL), and I'm tired of my hair breaking off everytime I comb it *sigh*. Not to mention the many possibilities I have at styling it (when I'm not at work)- I'm pretty stoked about it. Vegas heat isn't getting any better, I'm fairly certain I'm going back to Utah super dark with sunglasses tan haha. A bunch of other branches are here now for Red Flag (bascially all these pilots get to play "tag" in the air) like the Marines, we have a Singapore unit here from Luke in Arizona, a Saudi Arabian unit...and Shaw. It's pretty cool to see different jets and whatnot.
I'm on my last week of my PSY202 class (yay!) and about to start my English Composition II class. I'm ready for that because maybe that will help kick my creative juices into gear and I can actually get some poetry and/or stories coming out again like I used to before I joined the military. We shall see...


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