Friday 22 April 2011

Expectations... Or lack thereof

In case you didn't know, this post is about not having expectations. For awhile, I would always expect things from people. Mostly just common courtesy stuff or whatever... I would always expect things to turn out way better than they usually did, and when they didn't, I would be crushed, hurt, angry, depressed... Mostly these expectations were around when I was in a relationship, or seeing someone, and somehow I was always let down. So, the lesson learned from this is that it's always better to not have expectations about anything. This way, if things end up going well it's something you didn't expect and you can be happy about it. However, if things ended up going really wrong or just wrong in general, you can't be too upset because you didn't have anything to be expectant now. For example, when I text people, it's gotten to a point where I don't even expect them to respond (unless they're my parents and Sam, because they're usually good at responding when they get the chance to). If I do, I'm practically staring at my phone waiting for a text back; when I don't get one it pretty much kills the rest of my day. If I'm not expecting anything from them, then I have no reason to get upset or depressed or angry (but in some cases- like a current situation going on right now *sigh*). Sure, it would be nice to get a response, but if I don't get one, then it's whatever. Is it frustrating, heck yes. There's nothing more that I hate (well, other than being used and then being lied to about it) than being ignored. It's just rude! I mean, if you're busy or don't want to talk or whatever, it's really not that hard to just freaking say so. I'm not sure how to end this post, so I'll just leave it at this.

Later gators.


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