Today... I had my first car accident. It was actually my fault...Quite the shocking experience. It wasn't major or anything, I just wasn't able to stop in time and ended up rear-ending the car in front of me. The damage done to the front of my car (although not serious enough to really worry about fixing it)'s a sad thing to look at. I just feel SO bad... I hit a SMSgt's car : / Yikes. I'm not too sure how I feel about driving now...At least I'll be WAY more careful now (not like I wasn't before haha). But anyway, I don't really have anything else interesting to blog about aside from that, so I suppose that's it! Oh, I tried to post pictures, but they're in compressed files and won't load for some reason... I guess that's okay, since every time I see my car I feel horrible for damaging it like that. I'm so sorry car!!!
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