Thursday 7 April 2011

*insert witty saying here*

So, my body decided on it's own that it would wake up at 530am for no apparent reason whatsoever and won't let me go back to sleep. I've tried just lying there, hoping that my eyes would gradually close and I would drift off to sleep again, but nope. I guess I'm not that lucky. So...The only thing left to do (aside from finish some homework that's due later tonight), is to blog! I actually had a really nice blog post done last week that I was REALLY proud of (mainly because I did it all on my phone), but then I couldn't post it :/ So that kinda sucked. But anyway, I'll just make this post with little bullets or squiggly lines or something haha.

~ Tea tree oil is the bomb for when your scalp itches. The tingly feeling is pretty refreshing, it reminds me of a tingly mint feeling (even though it smells NOTHING like mint)
~ Is it weird that I want to name my hair, but I don't have a name for my car?
~ Can't believe that in... 23(?) days I will be 23 years old.
~ I also can't believe that in 22 days I will have been in the Air Force for 3 years. Three years down, three more to go!
~ There's nothing like finding the right deodorant to keep you from sweating like you ran a marathon when all you did was walk to your car in somewhat nice weather. Thanks, Suave :)
~ There's something about being held by a guy with strong arms that makes me feel extra protected. That's not to say that guys that don't have strong arms are wimpy and unable to protect people, but for me there's just something extra comforting about it. Call me weird, say what you want but it's the truth.
~ I find it interesting that one of the first thing I notice about a guy is their eye color...Yet looking someone in the eye while I'm talking to them makes me REALLY nervous.
~ This Utah weather is REALLY driving me NUTS. When will it actually be springtime here???
~ This kinda ties in with an earlier squiggly, but I also like holding hands with someone who has strong hands. Not sure what that means entirely, but when I hold someone's hand, I can tell by the way mine fits in theirs. My hands aren't wimpy by any means ( I think), but I'd say they're pretty decent haha.
~ I actually enjoy reading my Bible now. There's a lot that I've learned from my reading through the Old Testament, and there's a whole lot that God has shown me during my daily readings in the morning ( I use two different Bibles, but the same translation). I don't think anything compares to coming across a verse (or verses) that especially speak to you or about something that's going on in your life, or something you've been wondering about.

And... I think on that note, that's it! I'm going to try and get some sleep now. Hopefully I can!


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