Thursday 21 April 2011

Something New... In more ways than one

Last night the movie "Something New" was on Oxygen. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it! It's basically about an interracial relationship (I LOVE interracial relationships- for those who've known me for quite awhile, know that I've been in one myself- and we're still close friends!)... If I keep talking about it I will end up telling you the whole movie and I won't do that so...moving on! An yway, there was a quote in the movie that inspired me to change the name of my blog to "Let go, let flow." In the movie, one of the Sanaa Lathan's characters talks about this book she was reading or something like that (my memory's fuzzy, I watched this last night, remember?), and she said that the author brought up the point that if we just let go of our lists of what we want in a man, then everything else would just flow and we can figure out what we want and don't want as time goes on and we (hopefully) date. Anyway, that really stuck with me, because that's something that I need to do. I need to just "let go, let flow...". We'll see how well that works over time (haha).

SO! Last week I came up with this idea to help me stay motivated and actually get things done (hopefully). I have a mirror that I just bought last week (and it was a pain in my butt to hang this sucker up- right now it's hanging lopsided on my wall and I have no inclination to fix it), and I came up with this idea to do a "Goal of the Week" thing, to see if that would help me at least accomplish something that week instead of feeling like I'm getting nothing done and that I'm not progressing at all. Last week's goal was to be more patient. I'd say that went fairly well, seeing as there are certain people (or recently, a certain someone) who REALLY try my patience... This week's goal was a little harder. I think I should've worked my way up to this one, because I have such a hard time with it. This week's goal is to manage my free time better. Mainly because I spend it all watching TV, or sitting on Facebook, or blog stalking... Not like there's anything wrong with that, but when I have more important things to do like homework, or studying for Staff, or cleaning my apartment, or reading my scriptures... These all end up being put on the back burner for things like TV and the Internet, and before I know it, the day is gone, my eyes are tired and I've gotten nothing productive done. So, this week I was to try and manage my free time better. I think I failed this week : / I'm deciding what to do for next week's goal; I have a few in mind, but I don't know which one to pick. It might be a more spiritual one, because I REALLY need to get back on track with that... *sigh* But when I finally decide on what next week's goal is, I will be sure to let you all know (what few of you that actually read this thing... I swear I feel like I'm talking to myself sometimes! But I suppose that's okay...It's better than talking to myself in public, right?)!

ONE FINAL THING- Next Saturday (April 30th, for those who don't know) is my 23rd birthday, and I'm thinking about getting a tattoo. This weekend I'll probably check out some places that people have told me about, and then make a decision. I've wanted one for years, but could never decide what I wanted or where I wanted it to go. Besides, tattoos are permanent- they should have meaning, right? Right! And this one will, only I won't put it on here. If I do get it, I'll be sure to take a picture though!

And I suppose that's it! Maybe one of my goals should be to blog more regularly... I don't seem to do this enough. I always tell myself "Hey, you should update your blog today" but then I get sidetracked by something on TV haha. That should be another goal...Cut back on the amount of TV that I watch...


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