Saturday 20 August 2011

Life Update!

I suppose it's time for a life update! I usually write in my journal for daily things like this, but today I'm doing things different. So... let's do an update!

My life is going all right... Work is the same as usual, so I can't really complain there. I also started my Public Speaking class this past week, and the instructor is amusing. He's this little old guy who tends to ramble on about...Well I'm not really sure haha. The class is pretty small, and we all fit in a conference room. It's funny, I missed the first day of class because I couldn't find the darn building. I talked to the college reps on base that have the class, and they showed me where it was on the map- I was on that same road, I just didn't go down far enough *kicks self*. I'm excited about taking the class, maybe it will help me get over my fear of talking in front of large groups of people.

I started following an actual budget plan this month! I was doing really well with not touching the extra money left over after bills, but the grocery shopping trip from this last paycheck definitely cut into my bank account, and then it kinda got out of control from there... BUT I'm back on track with putting my check card back where I put my other cards once I take my cash out of the ATM so I'm not tempted to use it. It's helpful because I'm trying to save up for my flight home, along with some things I'll need for Arianna!

Speaking of Arianna, it's only a few more months until I fly home for Christmas and New Years, and then I'll be back here in Utah with Arianna! I'm super excited about it, and nervous at the same time. I mean, it's been two years. Not only will I have to learn who she is, I also have to be a mom to her at the same time. It's going to be SO crazy...But I'm looking forward to it : ) I'm also planning on moving on base before I head home, mainly for convenience in being closer to work AND I don't have to pay for utilities! This is also where the budgeting comes into play, and every penny that I can save and keep into my account will help move me in and (hopefully) my flight home! can you tell how I'm excited I am? Because I'm pretty excited about it.

Let's see... What else can I talk about? Oh! So, there's this guy that I've been talking to (like, actually having a conversation, not whatever these younger kids are calling "talking" these days...) for the past few weeks. We used to work together in Korea two years ago, and every now and then we'd message each other and chat on Facebook. And now we're talking :) It's only on the phone, because he's in Alaska, but it's nice. I enjoy talking to him, and listening to him talk. I'm interested to see where this goes, especially with us being so far apart.

In my single's ward, we started a scripture reading challenge ( actually, I think it's a stake-wide challenge...) where in 90 days we have to read the 4 Gospels in the New Testament (for those who don't know what they are, it's Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and 3rd Nephi in the Book of Mormon. We even have a bookmark type of handout to cross off the days that we've read. I'll admit that I've been a slacker lately with reading, but I'm working on that. Anyway, I'm still in Matthew right now, but I must say (and this will probably sound horrible in regards to my scripture reading), I've learned SO much about Christ and how he treats others... I especially like how He teaches in parables. At first I didn't understand what they were saying, but when He would explain to the disciples, it all made sense! I'm excited to read more about Christ, His life, and His teachings : ) I'm grateful for this challenge, because if it wasn't for this I wouldn't be learning all that I'm learning.

As for my hair... For the first time since I did my BC (big chop), I did a protein treatment. My hair LOVED it! I was so happy with the results, that I decided to try doing finger coils using this new gel that I bought the other day, ElastaQP liquid gel. My hair also loves this stuff. Although the finger coils were an epic fail, my hair is STILL super soft, even after my hair dried. Usually with using gel (especially with the amount that I used, which was a LOT), my hair gets super hard and crunchy after my hair dries, and I hate it. Not with ElastaQP. It's STILL soft to the touch. It could also be in part to the protein treatment that I did- that really defined my curls. Definitely a keeper product for my hair. As for styling my hair, I don't even know what to do with it right now. It's not long enough to braid it without using extensions, and flat twists don't really hold in my hair... I can't just wear my little afro much longer because it will keep growing. So, I'm left with the option of braids with extensions. I'm thinking about either doing braids with hair extensions, or doing yarn braids again. I tried yarn braids before, but my hair wasn't long enough to really hold them in and the braids weren't long enough... Now that I'm armed with new tips, I can pull these off better! Plus, I can do these myself without spending ANY money (I still have yarn from the first time I put these in)!

So... I think that's it! Til next time!


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