Sunday 30 May 2010

don't judge a book by it's cover

"But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: forthe Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looking on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

I wrote about this in my journal awhile ago, and then again today I encountered the scripture on my Old Testament scripture mastery card. When I read this scripture I think about how it's important that we shouldn't judge our significant/potential significant others by how they look or how tall they are; instead we should be concerned with what's on the inside. Before I read this scripture (or even knew it existed- I know, that's bad), the height of a potential boyfriend for me was at the top of my list. They had to be at least 6ft if not taller, because I was uncomfortable dating someone who was shorter than me. Sam was 5'10, and even though he was just a few inches shorter than me, I just couldn't get over the fact that he didn't meet my height standard. Don't get me wrong, he was AWESOME in every other aspect, WAY better than I thought was posssible, but deep down, I knew that his height bothered me a lot. I think that this is what caused a lot of problems in our relationship, because that's when other guys who were taller than Sam started to become attractive to me, even though I was in a relationship. There's that saying "You never really know what you've got til it's gone"- I really do believe that saying is true, because since we've broken up, I've come to appreciate so much about him, and miss a lot of things that we used to have even when things went crazy downhill. But anyway, this verse has helped me to focus more on what's inside of Sam than what's on the outside (although I'm not going to lie, this guy has some eyes on him! and that voice- I could listen to him talk/sing all day!). I'm happy now that I'm able to realize that I love him not only for how he looks, but for who he is as well. I just have to keep praying that things will work out the way Heavenly Father intends for things to work out (even if I DO see myself with Sam for eternity ^_^). Gotta keep my head up and do what I can to improve myself and be ready for when he comes home =)


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