Thursday 20 May 2010's been awhile

And a few things have happened since I last posted. I'll start with the most recent.

Last night I watched this year's Women's Conference, and I have to say that I'm happy that I was able to see it. It was something that I needed to see, and it helped me see that I need to stop blaming myself for things that have happened in the past that weren't my fault alone. It also taught me that I needed to be more respectful toward myself and my body because who else will respect me if I don't, right? The call to return to virtue has inspired me to want to be a better person and to be more virtuous. This weekend I'm planning on going through my Itunes library and getting rid of music that isn't edited or inappropriate. It will be hard because I like the artists, but I know that it will be worth it in the long run. Also, whenever I go clothes shopping again, even though I'll be tempted to, I won't try on the clothes that I know I shouldn't be wearing. It's been almost five months since I've been to church. Everyone who's reading this knows that that's not a good sign, and is probably why I feel as lost as I do sometimes. So, this Sunday is back to church for me- along with getting more involved with church activities and the like. I need to strengthen my faith, and the only way to do that is to get closer to God.

This past Sunday I came home from my 2 week leave to VA. It was so much fun and I enjoyed it a lot. It was special because I was able to see Arianna and spend a lot of time with her. She has grown so much, every day it was like she was growing right before my eyes! Now I know what other parents mean when they would say that their children grew up so fast. Being back in Utah I feel like I'm missing a lot while she's back in Va, but I know that having her stay with my parents right now is the best thing for her. I'm pretty sure that people might judge me because I don't have my daughter living with me and probably think that I'm some selfish person or something like that, but if they think that then they obviously don't know the story and just need to butt out :P

Let's I finally started I-Cert so I will actually be able to do what my job entails. So far it's going really well, and I'm excited to be able to do some actual work now :) What else is there...Oh! I started taking online classes with Ashford University- I'm majoring in Communication Studies. Can't say too much about it seeing as I'm still taking the introductory online classes, but the format is WAY better than the University of Phoenix (in my opinion anyway). I'm excited to be able to go back to school again, especially after the first try didn't go so well :-/

One thing that I'm noticing that I'm having trouble doing is staying in shape. I'm not sure how much I weigh right now, but I certainly am not satisfied with the way I look. I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny like I was before I had Arianna, kinda in the middle. Every now and then I go to the gym, but I haven't gotten up the motivation to go to the gym regularly. Hopefully I can find a workout buddy to help keep my butt in gear to work out- I do have a PT test I need to get ready for (as if that isn't enough motivation... apparently it's not LOL) in the next month or so.

I've also decided to work on my cooking skills, which means actually buying things that I will have to cook...*sigh* We'll see how this goes. I'll let you know (and maybe I'll post some pictures!)!


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