Saturday 10 July 2010

I Wish...

1) I had friends at work
2) I was pretty
3) I had the self-confidence to believe that I was pretty
4) Sam was able to text or call me :(
5) I was more interesting so other people would want to hang out with me
6) I was more outgoing and not as quiet
7) I had more self- esteem
8) I didn't feel like such a burden to those that do want to hang out with me (what a rarity that is...)
9) I lived closer to home
10) I was able to have my daughter live with me
11) I worked day shift so I could have my daughter live with me and go to daycare while I worked
12) I had a different job in the Air Force
13) I wasn't single
14) I didn't have these stupid mood swings


Heather Rose said...

You are beautiful.

Your daughter will live with you as soon as its better for her. You're being really strong for having sacrificing your time with her so that she is better cared for.

You can work on your self esteem. Its tough but doable. Just remember you're a beautiful daughter of God. THE one and only God. You're his daughter.

And I suggest not wearing makeup. It might sound weird, but it helps. Get used to seeing yourself without it and realize how beautiful you are naturally.

Mood swings are natural. It's annoying, I agree.

Shenise said...

Thanks Heather :) Yeah, I don't normally wear makeup to begin with. Well sometimes I'll wear eyeliner and mascara, but that's about it haha. The self- esteem issue is a continuous work in progress because I'll have good days and then I have bad days.... Mostly bad days though haha

Heather Rose said...

Well, keep working at it! You can do it, just don't give up. You're a beautiful daughter of God! And a mommy to a beautiful baby girl!

Shenise said...

Thank you :D

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