Monday 23 August 2010


Today in Gospel Principles we talked about discovering our talents. There are a few things I'm good at, like singing, writing, playing basketball...I'm sure that list goes on. Anyway, we also talked about how we shouldn't hide our talents, and instead to improve in our talents and use them to help others and to help ourselves enjoy the lives we've been given.

Now- I'm still working on developing my writing talents. I don't know if I'll get back into writing stories again, but I do plan on writing poetry again. I kinda miss it. Maybe I'll write the occasional short story or something like it if it will help get what I'm feeling out of my system. We'll see. But writing is definitely a work in progress for me.

Tomorrow (or later on this morning) I'm going to the gym and getting back on the basketball court. It's been too long since I've played, and I miss playing the sport. I bought new basketball shoes Saturday (finally, after talking about getting a new pair for a long time), so tomorrow I will be breaking those suckers in shooting some hoops and just enjoying being on the court. I also have to work on being able to dunk a basketball. That is how I will help our G.P. teacher. By doing a slam dunk ha ha. We'll see how that goes.

All right...I suppose I should get back to writing this paper. Figures, whenever I have a paper to write I also have something to blog about. It's happened for the past few papers. I'm not really going to complain, because then it helps clear my head to actually write said paper. So hooray for that I guess lol.


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