Saturday 7 August 2010

No good very bad day turned really good day

"8But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right. 9But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred save it be given unto you from me."- D&C 9:8-9.

I can definitely say that I experienced these verses today, and at work of all places. Here's what happened: So I decided to stay in the same apartment complex that I'm in now, but just downgrade into a one bedroom one bathroom apartment that Arianna and I will be living in once I get back from this deployment. The one that I'm in now is nice, but there's no way I'll be able to afford it once I have her here, but I'm not complaining either. Anyway, I have a friend at work who was helping me decide by suggesting places, and when I told him what I planned to do he was just like "well why don't you just put everything in storage and wait until you're about to come home to get an apartment that way you're not paying for an apartment that you're not living in for 6 months." I considered it, and almost immediately I started getting stressed out because I was thinking that if I decided to put my stuff into storage, I wouldn't know when to put it all away since we don't have a definite date for leaving yet, and then on top of that I'd have to figure out somewhere to live before we left and after we got back, which just adds onto the stress of getting ready for/being deployed. So I'm trying to explain to him that I'd feel much more comfortable just getting an apartment before we leave and paying for it while we're gone so I know that I'll have a place to come home to instead of stressing over finding a new place to live. Plus, I would be able to get stuff set up for Arianna as well for when she comes back with me. To which he suggested that putting everything storage will help me save up more money for when Arianna comes to stay with me and that storage is a better idea than moving. It got so frustrating that I asked other people at work for their advice about it. The whole thing was really putting a damper on my day. Not to mention a storm was rolling in and I had to switch toolboxes because the wheels on the first box I had decided to be really dumb and not work the way that they were supposed to...So I had to deal with that and it took FOREVER *sigh* So I'm stressed about this moving issue, I'm not very happy with finance and this travel voucher, and then my box decides to act stupid. It was not a good day. By the way, I saw the unit that I would be moving in to, and it looks just like the one I'm in now minus the extra bathroom and bedroom. I'm pretty excited about it. So anyway, I got this thought in my head that I've made my decision and I like the decision I made, I shouldn't let someone else's suggestion overrule what I already know works for me. I started thinking "You know, I'm comfortable with my decision. I may make mountains out of molehills sometimes, but in this case, I'd rather not stress out while I'm already deployed." I know myself enough to know that I like to be prepared for things, and having a place to live already set up for when I get back before I leave for this deployment is one way that I can prepare. After thinking about it and reminding myself that what works for me may not work for others, I instantly felt calmer, and all the crazy stressful thoughts just vanished. The only thing that was left was a sense of peace about the decision that I made. This verse came to mind, only since I couldn't remember where in D&C that it was, I had to wait til I came home to look it up and then blog about it.

So that's pretty much been my day right there in a nutshell...Now seeing as it's really late/really early in the morning, I'm going to go to bed now. Full day of stuff that needs to be done tomorrow- after an activity with the single's ward, of course :) Hopefully last night's storm hasn't changed any of the plans for it :)


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