Friday 6 August 2010

I don't know if I'm frustrated, irritated, or both

So....Called finance today because I STILL haven't gotten paid for the Vegas TDY...And the guy that I talked to today said that it's STILL sitting at Ellsworth, and they won't know when it will go through until the people at Ellsworth do something. And that it takes 2-3 weeks from when Finance approves it for the voucher to get paid back. Which is NOT what I was told a few days ago, and NOT what I was told last week. I was told 1) that it takes a week for it to get paid back (that was last week); and 2) that if I didn't get paid by today to give them a call because I should've gotten paid by today ( that was a few days ago). On top of that, there is talk that Finance messed up some people's travel vouchers, so they didn't get paid the full amount that they were supposed to. I really don't know how they screen people into these Finance jobs, but I think the Air Force needs to do a better job of it because this is getting ridiculous. I made a note of this in a recent Facebook status, but if all of us on the flightline decided to mess up on our jobs or just not even do them, there would be no U.S. Air Force. It would just be U.S. Air (especially if my job decided not to load the weapons that provide said force). I'm sure if the nonners (non-flightline personnel, those who wear Blues on Mondays), went on TDYs and had to wait FOREVER for their travel vouchers to go through, they would understand the frustration of those who DO go on TDYs. I mean, some people need that money for things like grocery shopping, paying bills, making sure their children are taken care of...You know, IMPORTANT THINGS. So now I'm waiting until Wednesday to see if my money shows up. If not, Finance will be dealing with a very unhappy maintainer.

On a happier note, I just heard from the manager of the apartment complex that I'm staying in. I can change apartments and move into a smaller one bedroom one bathroom apartment. I even got to go look at it, and it pretty much looks the same as the two bedroom two bathroom apartment I'm in now, minus the extra bedroom and bathroom. I'm pretty excited, and I hope I can move in in the next few weeks. That's my plan anyway. Gotta figure out this work schedule for this exercise, because it has me SO confused right now.


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