Sunday 22 August 2010

Go figure...

I make sure that I actually make it in time for Stake Conference today, and not only is it in a different place (the Ogden Tabernacle), it's also at 3pm. Are.You.Serious. *sigh* So now I'm awake, I was going to take a nap but changed my mind. I think I'm just going to go to the Single's Ward today...

Wow. It's been awhile since I've updated my blog. Let's see... what's happened lately...I unplugged my cable box and will be getting rid of my cable because it takes up entirely too much of my time and I found out that "hiding" the remote does not deter me from watching T.V. when I get home from work, or any other time that I'm awake. T.V. has been keeping me from going to the gym or working out, staying on top of cleaning, and getting my homework done effectively so...I'm getting rid of it. It was going to happen eventually anyway, what with the upcoming deployment. Being a little early never hurt anyone.

Yesterday, I went to Pineview Reservoir for a birthday party of a girl in the Single's Ward. That drive took FOREVER. I had never been there before, and the whole time I was driving I thought I had gotten lost (even though I followed the directions), because I've never been there before. It's really nice up there, the scenery is beautiful, along with the lake. For some reason I didn't think of a lake when I heard we were going to the Reservoir, so I didn't bring a swimsuit or anything. It was nice to just walk in the water though. I also made a new friend or two there, both the birthday girl and her friend that came with. Not a lot of people came, but it was fun nonetheless :) I think I'll have to go back up there one day. Not by myself, of course.

I got up the nerve to get the number of one of the guys in the Single's Ward and texted him last night. Nothing too major, just a small conversation. I dunno if it will go anywhere, but I'm fine with just meeting new people and having friends to talk to.

You might remember (the few who actually read my blog) a few posts ago that I talked about growing out my relaxed hair and cutting it off once my natural hair was long enough. I didn't cut my hair, but it's now in braids 1) to help the hair grow without me having to comb it every day, and 2) I'm about to deploy and don't want to deal with that craziness LOL. Before I got it braided though, I tried a few things that's been mentioned on a few of the natural hair care sites I've found:

here I believe I just wet my hair and put my hair product in while it was still wet, and let it air dry. Oh man, My hair was SUPER short when it all dried, because once the water was gone, it shrunk haha. It was still cute though.

lets I tried flat twisting my hair (should've used bobby pins like the directions said LOL), and then taught myself how to put a scarf on and keep it on my head.

My first attempt at trying some type of mohawk dealie... Lots of bobby pins and my yellow flower hair clip. It turned out way better than I thought it would for a first try :)

Okay. For an exercise I decided to do my own two strand twist so I wouldn't have to deal with forcing a ponytail every time I had to put my gas mask on  (right). The one of the left is when I finally took them all out. 
And this is what I look like now! Yay! :)

Other than that, there isn't much going on in my life...Arianna is doing wonderfully well with my parents. She's sitting up on her own and eating baby food, hanging up on people when they try to t talk to her (which she did to me the last time I called home haha), babbling away...People are always like "oh, it must be SO hard being away from your daughter"...At first I was just like "yeah, it is", but it's been said so much that it's gotten quite frustrating. I really don't need you stating the obvious every time you see me. Yes. It's hard being away from Arianna and not being able to see her grow and progress and learn new things every day. I feel bad about it all the time. That being said, it's for the best that she's with my parents right now. Please stop trying to guilt trip me into bringing her back sooner than it was meant to be (and yes, that's aimed at a certain person at work). 

All right...I think I've caught you all up on what's going on in my life, so...til next time! :)


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